Tomato and Salad

Y1 had an opportunity to practice their cutting and peeling skills, as well as squeezing fruit and learning other important basic information for cooking. What better dishes for that than salads during the pleasant summer months when the school year was just starting and they were eager to participate. Each student tried their individual creation, all of which were delicious.

3 ripe tomatoes.
2 teaspoons of pickling salt
1 teaspoon of regular table salt
2 sprigs of basil
Optional Ingredients: olive oil, capers, balsamic vinegar, olives, garlic, lime.
Variety of herbs: (dried vs. natural): oregano; mint, basil, rosemary, cilantro; also dried cumin. 

This method compares types of cuts, either horizontal or lengthwise, removing seeds with a spoon or not. In one batch we add regular table salt and in the other we add coarse pickling salt, which results in a higher excess of water extraction. We remove the liquid with a strainer and add herbs and any other ingredient suggested by our students. 

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