Goblin eyes filled with guacamole - Y3

Y3 students were thrilled to prepare this tasty recipe in a special format for Halloween. While they had the opportunity to join their new knowledge of geography and international dishes and to become familiar with herbs and spices, they also had lots of fun eating this healthy but scary dish. They also got creative making their own versions of monster eyes.

1 ripe avocado
1 bunch of cilantro 
1 bunch of chives
1 lime or lemon
1 ripe tomato
1 tbsp olive oil
½ teaspoon of salt
Cherry tomatoes to serve and black pitted black olives. 

Cut avocado in halves and remove pit. Smash roughly with fork. Dice tomato and squeeze lemon for juice. Chop the cilantro and the chives, add a pinch of salt and olive oil. Mix it all with lemon juice and chill. Cut cherry tomato and fill it with the guacamole and cover with sliced black olive to resemble an eye.

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