Egg and Potato Salad

For Y1, peeling the eggs was very exciting, and the mixture with potatoes and other simple ingredients was surprisingly pleasant to taste. We introduced them to some herbs and new ideas. Most of all, they were proud to see that they could make their own salad, and eat it, too!

1 boiled potato
2 boiled eggs
3 black olives, pitted
A bunch of chives
Salt and a few drops of lemon juice
OTHER HERBS: mint, oregano, rosemary, basil.

Boil the potatoes until soft. Boil the eggs for 1 minute and leave them in water for 10 minutes in a covered pan for perfect hard-boiled eggs. Let potatoes and eggs cool to peel them. Cut in small cubes, and mix in a bowl. Add a few drops of lemon juice, salt and pitted olives. Add some chopped chives and other herbs of choice.

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